What To Know About IRS Online Accounts

What To Know About IRS Online Accounts

Setting up an IRS Online Account is an easy and secure way for taxpayers to quickly get information about their IRS activity, such as any tax due balance, payments made, and tax records for the past several years. Taxpayers should be aware that balances update no more than once every 24 hours, usually overnight, and should also allow 1 to 3 weeks for payments to show up in the payment history.

Understanding Your Rights as a Taxpayer

Understanding Your Rights as a Taxpayer

By law, all taxpayers have fundamental rights when interacting with the IRS, and all taxpayers should know and understand their rights. Ten categories of rights are presented in the Taxpayer Bill of Rights. Here’s an overview:

What Is A Reverse Mortgage?

What Is A Reverse Mortgage?

A reverse mortgage is a type of home equity loan that allows you to convert some of the equity in your home into cash while you continue to own the home. Reverse mortgages operate like traditional mortgages, only in reverse. Rather than paying your lender each month, the lender pays you.