Tips for Avoiding an IRS Tax Audit

Tips for Avoiding an IRS Tax Audit

Although the chances of taxpayers being audited have declined in recent years, with taxes becoming more complicated every year, there is always the possibility that a tax mistake turns into an IRS tax audit. Avoiding “red flags” like the ones listed below could help.

What To Know About IRS Letters and Notices

What To Know About IRS Letters and Notices

Taxpayers should know that the IRS sends millions of these letters and notices to taxpayers for a variety of reasons. Many of these letters and notices can be dealt with simply, without having to call or visit an IRS office.

Business-related Travel Deductions

Business-related Travel Deductions

Business travel deductions are available when employees travel away from their tax home or principal place of work for business reasons. With inflation on the rise, business travel is more costly than ever. Hotel bills, airfare or train tickets, cab fares, and public transportation can all add up fast.

Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangements

Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangements

Small employer HRAs or QSEHRAs (Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangements) allow small businesses without group health plans to set aside money, tax-free, for employees to use toward medical expenses – including the cost of buying health insurance. Here’s what small business owners need to know about QSEHRAs.